This review isn't very professional and that's why I am a blogger and not a journalist. I really don't like negative reviews and I don't usually post them but this is the exception.
The other night whilst lying in my bed feeling sorry for me and my man-flu I watched Oz and Hugh tasting Innis and Gunn in waders. A jolly sight. Highlighting Scottish beer which seems to be popular wherever I go. I've seen lots of positive reviews online about it. Truth is.......I hate the stuff.
Well I gave myself the impression that I did anyway. Ive tried the regular stuff, blonde, the rum cask, the IPA and I honestly haven't enjoyed one. So what possessed me to pick up a bottle today I have no idea. New year, new outlook? Madness? Cold and Flu medication still coursing through my veins?
It was nicely chilled as Innis and Gunn (or should I say Belhaven) recommend. I poured it into the glass you can see below (no comments) Its the first beer I've had since I was ill but thankfully not the first in 2011 (I'm not that sadistic)
Its the blonde slightly lighter 6.0% abv version. To the eye its very pleasing, even if the head was very hard to tempt into appearing. On the nose I smell butter, diacetyl, popcorn and delicate oak. It may be the time to point out that NONE of those flavours I like!
On the palate I taste more oak that was promised, a good dose of butterscotch (diacetyl), popcorn and some odd misplaced fruit flavours. This (in my opinion) is a truly AWFUL beer. Ive given it a first chance. Ive tried the more expensive versions to see if it gets better. This is the last time.
Good bye Innis and Gunn. You shall definitely not be missed.
All the opinions expressed in this blog are those of my own and do not reflect the views of my employers, past or present.
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