Don't worry I havent forgotten about the blog but I have been quiet during my move back to France. Its taken a while but I am finally settled in and have many plans for blog posts in the pipeline. However there is one thing that I would like to make certain about my time in France this time around; I will be writing a lot more about French beer.
During my previous trip I really only covered Belgian beer which was a bit silly but really all I could get a hold of during my year in France. This time I am in Paris though and I have found a wide variety of French microbrews ready for me to try. I have had a few so far and I am very pleased with what I see, smell and taste. I think the industry here will be great one day but it does still need time to mature and a little bit of help to give it a push against the dominant world of wine.
Over the next few days I am going to explain a little bit more about the micro brewing insdustry out here and share with you some tasting notes and reviews. Hence why this post is only the introduction.
Post 1 of my semester of French Craft Beer coming tonight............
What goes around, comes around
5 days ago
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